Suspicious Mustache Theatre Company

Struwwelpeter - Coming to the 2011 Victoria Fringe Festival!

Program Guide Image for Struwwelpeter. Photo: Sarah Koury
Rehearsals have recently commenced for Suspicious Mustache's first project under the new monicker - Struwwelpeter! Based on the colourful and gruesome tales by Dr. Heinrich Hoffman, Struwwelpeter follows a young girl's imagination to the bitter end as she and her brother discover a very unusual picture book.
Struwwelpeter is being developed through a series of guided improvizations by five local actors working from a treatment created by the director, designer, and two emerging writers.
This year marks the 25th anniversary of the Victoria Fringe Festival and it promieses to be the biggest and best one yet! We are ecstatic to be a part of the fun and look forward to August!
Visit the Victoria Fringe Website at and check out Struwwelpeter at Venue 8 - Langham Court!