Suspicious Mustache Theatre Company

Struwwelpeter - 2011 Vicotria Fringe Festival

Struwwelpeter is a stage adaptation of the 1844 children's book by Dr. Heinrich Hoffman. A major cornerstone of modern children's literature, Hoffman created the book as a Christmas gift for his young son. Dissatisfied with the selection of books for children, being either blandly educational or directionlessly fluffy, Hoffman wanted to create a book that would be educational but that children would also want to read. The result was a series of colourful pictures and rhyming tales detailing the gruesome consequences children face when disobeying their parents and other authority figures. The tales include The Story of Little Suck-a-Thumb, whose childish habit of sucking his thumbs causes them to be violently severed by a tailor, The Story of Augustus Who Would Not Have Any Soup, about a boy whose fussy eating habits cause him to starve to death, and the title character of Shock-Headed Peter whose neglected hygiene turns him into a social outcast. Despite its graphic (and some would argue inappropriate) subject matter, the book has been in print for more than 150 years in over 700 editions in dozens of languages.

The play follows the encounters of two siblings who awaken the dark spirits of imagination who have been lurking within the pages of Struwwelpeter  and must deal with the consequences.

Cast & Crew

Boy - Lucas Hall
Girl - Christie Stewart
Shadows - Chelsea Bunyan, Randi Edmundson, Phillip Van de Ruyt

Director - Darcy Stoop
Set & Costume Designer - Cat Haywood
Writers - Jesse Cowell & Liam Volke
Stage Manager - Julia Janicki
Composer - Hayley McCurdy
Photos - Sarah Koury & Jessica Wong

Dates & Times

Struwwelpeter will be playing at local theatre landmark Langham Court (805 Langham Ct.)
August 26th - 9:00pm
August 27th - 6:00pm
August 28th - 4:30pm
August 30th - 9:45pm
September 1st - 7:00pm
September 3rd - 7:30pm
Tickets are $11 for adults and $9 for students and seniors. $1 from the sale of each ticket will support the Victoria READ Society (
Advanced tickets are available from TicketRocket ($2 surcharge applies):​lpeterTix%20 
50% of tickets for each performance are reserved for sales at the door, one hour before the show starts!

Thank You!

A BIG thank you to all of those who have helped us bring Struwwelpeter to life:
Intrepid Theatre
Cabin 12
Cafe 932
Randall Sawka & General Paint
Langham Court Theatre
Kate Rubin Drama
Danielle Brochu & UVic Props
Eric Smith
Kim Stoop
Scott Stoop
Genevieve Dale
Miss Rosie Bitts
The Victoria READ Society